Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Thank you . . . You're Welcome"

My Amylee thinks that when you say 'you're welcome,' that means thank you. So, if I hand her a drink she says,"You're Welcome." We have tried to help her switch them around, but she just cant' get the hang of it. And when she says 'you're welcome,' it sounds like 'you're welcome,' with the inflection and everything. It made me think today. She says 'you're welcome' for thank you, and maybe I should be thanking her letting me serve her. Thank you Amylee, for helping me not be so selfish, to put your needs before mine. Thank you for making me stop and read books, or play soccer in the back yard. Thank you for forgiving me when I make really stupid mistakes. Thank you for letting me sing "Winnie the Pooh" before we go to bed. Thank you for rubbing your little face all over mine when we snuggle. Thank you for screaming with happiness when I come pick you up from daycare. Thank you for growing big and strong even though you started out weiging the size of a large potato. Thank you for looking at me with your little blue eyes and saying, "Huh?" whenever I ask you a question. Thank you for putting your shoes away the minute we walk in the door. Thank you for making Grammy and Pop and Grammie Sherie so happy. Thank you my Amylee. Thank you.
You're welcome.


kalie said...

Those cheeks are adorable and squeezable. Love her!

Erin said...

She is as cute as they come Andra! I just love hearing little ones talk and say cute and funny things!

Unknown said...

That makes me cry - happy tears, mind you. You are a wonderful mother and that was a beautiful post! Love your guts and love that gorgeous baby too!

Love Emma Watson said...

Andra... You and your gorgous... Lee Lee are so precious to me! I love you guys! Thanks for sharing your beautiful baby with me! She is such a sweet heart... and every time I see her... it makes me smile! Love you and am looking forward to having her with me over spring break...! I feel so blessed! Love Emma

Amylee said...

Thank you. I really needed this today.

cole linnae said...

whenever i see a picture of amylee, i just get this automatic i-wanna-hug-and-squeeze-her reflex. how did you cook such cute offspring?