Monday, September 8, 2008

Should I be worried?

I have to preface this post sharing with you how much I HATE spiders. It's not just a, 'I am afraid' thing. They seriously make me want to vomit. Like, right now I am thinking of them crawling, and sometimes furry, and I am nauseated. So, last night we unpacked from our Marsh Lake campout and low and behold, we had a stowaway. A very large, black, crawling all over my stair wall stowaway. I gagged. I just couldn't do it. Vision of Mr. Spider jumping at me while I ran to him with my husbands size 12 was just too much. I said, "RyLeigh, get in here." She runs in. I say, "Kill that spider." She says, "No way!" I say, "Please." She says, "No way." I say, "If you loved your mother, you would do this for me. I am going to throw up." She says, "Sorry." I say,"I'll pay you ten bucks." She says, "Really?" I say, "Yes." She says, "Okay." And goodbye Mr. Marshlake stowaway. Now, here's what worries me. Apparently, my daughter will do anything for money. Now, while this was a benefit to me last night, I worry a bit that this skill of doing anything for ten bucks could possibly follow her into her teenage years. So my question is, do we squelch this now and I kill my own spiders from now on OR .. . do I train her to get more money when she does whatever questionable activity she may pursue. Let us pause to take this all in . . .


Cam said...

Maybe next time you should try "Kill the spider or you're grounded." or something like that.

Love Emma Watson said...

that is funny! ryleigh is just a regular girl who wants money to buy clothes with or treats... i used to do that... but now i enjoy the things i do and dont always do if for money... well its good to hear from you... the blog is great!

Erin said...

I don't think you should be worried. Look at it in a postive light, she is already business savvy. She's going places! And by the way, I had Steve kill a hobo spider on Sunday...that was three feet away from where Tyler was playing. Spiders...good for nothin' I tell ya!

markolopia said...

All I can say is that I will come to your house anytime to pick up $10 bucks for squishing a bug!

kalie said...

Hey, the kid's an entrepreneur. As far as I'm concerned, this is something to celebrate. I remember distinctly making my brother clean up rotten milk I had kept too long in my dollhouse for me by bribing him with cash. It's the capitalistic world we live in. I too have an aversion to spiders that is close to your level. They make me want to die.

Bethany said...

Hello Andra!

It's Bethany (Jorgensen)Guerisoli, and I just came across your blog! Hopefully you'll remember me! It's great to "see" you and your family online and how you are doing. It's been a long time! My blog is I have a one year old and live in Texas with my husband Brent, after being in grad school at Berkeley. Anyways, take care!


Brittany said...

i laughed out loud at this. haha i heart ryleigh....actually just your whole family. can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

i may or may not be blogstalking you.